Supporting and promoting tennis in the Ann Arbor area
FORMAT: This is a USTA Entry-Level Single-Day Showdown Tournament. Each division will play a non-elimination compass draw or round robin format based on number of entrants (min. 4, max. 8). Both Orange Ball and Green Ball will be offered in the Co-Ed 10 & Under age division. The Orange Ball division will play on 60’ courts and the Green Ball division will play on standard 78” courts. All other divisions will play on full court with regulation balls. Unless weather delays require us to switch to a timed format, each match in the Co-Ed 10 & under division will be 1 set, no-ad scoring with a set tiebreak at 6-6. All other divisions will be 8-game pro-set, no-ad scoring with a set tiebreak at 8-8, unless weather delays require us to switch to a timed format. Some draws may be combined at the discretion of the Tournament Director. All players are expected to play and complete all scheduled matches during the tournament. A player may not withdraw from an event (whether during the course of a match or before the start of a match in any round).
REQUIREMENTS: Age requirements are per USTA guidelines. Players must be amateurs who do not exceed the maximum age by the last day of the month in which the tournament starts. (For example: a player who turns 13 in July 2019 would not be able to compete in the 12 & under division. This player would have to play in the 14 & under division.) Players must be at least 7 years of age to compete in the 10 & Under division. There are 7 age divisions for singles: co-ed 10 (boys & girls combined), girls 12, girls 14, girls 16, boys 12, boys 14, and boys 16. Doubles will be available for girls 12, girls 14, girls 16, boys 12, boys 14, and boys 16.
2019 City Tournament: Junior Rules and Registration Information
MATCH SCHEDULING: All participants should report to Varsity Tennis Center 15 minutes before the start time, RAIN or SHINE. The 10 & Under players will play 12:00pm-5:00pm on Thursday, July 11. All other players will play on Friday, July 12. All players should be prepared to play continuously win or lose during their block of time.
DRAWS: 10 & Under draws and starting times will be posted on TennisLink (Tournament ID #850175819). All other draws and starting times will be posted on TennisLink (Tournament ID #850177919) at least 24 hours before the start of play. Players should check TennisLink for first-round match times.
RAIN POLICY: All participants should report to their tournament site on the designated play date 15 minutes before the start time, RAIN or SHINE. The Tournament Director will determine whether or not to delay matches or to reschedule. At the Director’s discretion, matches may be moved indoors. In this case, players will be responsible for indoor court fees. Matches moved indoors may have modified formats at the discretion of the Director.
ENTRY FEES: $28 per player; $18 per player for doubles. Tournament fees are nonrefundable. Players will receive balls for matches and a T-shirt. All players must register through the USTA’s TennisLink using the Register button below. Players do not need to be USTA members to sign up.
NOTE TO PARENTS: All Co-Ed 10 & under matches will have a monitor on court to assist with play. Parents may NOT assist with rules or line calls. If players in the older divisions require assistance during the match, they should raise their racquets and wait for assistance from a tournament official. Coaching is not allowed. Players should exercise extreme caution in high heat and humidity. Please bring adequate water and other supplies to the match site.
QUESTIONS: If you have questions prior to the tournament, email Tournament Director Tara Kowalewski.
WAIVER: I grant permission to AAACTA to use any photos or videos taken during the tournament for display on the AAACTA website and for legitimate marketing or promotional purposes.
By clicking on the registration links below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above rules.